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News article – Style D 1256

15th November 2003 By Munster Rugby

News article – Style D 1256

The Community Policing Department of An Garda Siochana in Cork (Anglesea St), will run their annual five-aside soccer tournament at the Mardyke on December 9th 2003.

The Community Policing Department of An Garda Siochana in Cork (Anglesea St), will run their annual five-aside soccer tournament at the Mardyke on December 9th 2003.

This year’s event is also being used as a fundraiser for the Simon Community and included in the 20 teams taking part will be an entry – for the first time – from Munster Rugby. In addition, the launch of the event will be held in Musgrave Park on November 28th prior to the Munster v Cardiff Blues Celtic League game. In the past sixteen teams, representing the Homeless community, Asylum seekers, the traveller community, Churchfield Youth Community Trust, have joined with sides from the Gardai, the Army, the Fire Brigade and the media in an effort to recognise the worth and contribution of all the communities that exist in our diverse society.

The Munster Rugby entry will be joined by a Cork GAA All-Star side in an effort by the high profile sportsmen to raise funds to help alleviate the hardship suffered by the less fortunate in the community. The Community Policing Department of An Garda Siochana headed up by former Cork football All Star Sergeant Tony Davis, work very closely with the Simon community and fully recognise the vital service they provide for the homeless of Cork. Davis saod. ” We are delighted to be running this event again for all the communites of Cork. Munster rugby’s support is absolutely vital to making this event a success and we thank them most sincerely for their wonderful contribution.” Speaking of Munster Rugby’s involvement, Mike Hannon, Simon’s Director of Corporate Affairs said.

“We are delighted that Munster Rugby has agreed to to join us in this venture and we thank them for their support.We would encourage Munster rugby supporters to take ownership of making this fundraising effort a success.”

Event Launch Venue: Musgrave Park Date: November 28th Time: 1.15pm


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