Cork Tag Venue Manager Wanted for 2005 Tag Season
5th January 2005 By Munster Rugby

ITRA / IRFU are currently recruiting for the part-time position of an ITRA Cork Venue Manager, during May-July 2005 for two evenings per week.
Cork Tag Venue Manager Wanted for 2005 Tag Season
ITRA / IRFU are currently recruiting for the part-time position of an ITRA Cork Venue Manager, during May-July 2005 for two evenings per week.
The successful applicant should be at least 21 years of age and the duties involved in this part-time position are as follows:
– Promote the venue. – Recruit teams for venue from March-May 2005. – Run league at Highfield Park RFC on Wednesday & Thursday evenings from 6-10pm (May/June/July). – Regional manager cannot play Tag Rugby in his/her venue on their working night. – Own transport preferable.
Remuneration package will be available for the successful candidates.
Please send a your current CV together with a covering letter to: Helen Kenny (Operations Manager – Irish Tag Rugby Association)
Postal: Helen Kenny I.T.R.A. c/o I.R.F.U. 62 Lansdowne Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4.
The closing date for applications is Monday, January 17th, 2005.