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NZRU And Players Negotiations

15th September 2005 By Munster Rugby

NZRU And Players Negotiations

The New Zealand Rugby Union (NZRU) and New Zealand Rugby Players Association (NZRPA) are currently negotiating a collective employment agreement to replace the one that expires on December 31.

The New Zealand Rugby Union (NZRU) and New Zealand Rugby Players Association (NZRPA) are currently negotiating a collective employment agreement to replace the one that expires on December 31. The provisional agreement has yet to be ratified by 75 percent of the players, but would apply through 2008 if approved.

  1. The minimum retainer for the 26 players in a premier division squad will be $15,000 annually, guaranteed for the term of each player’s contract.
  2. The salary cap level will be $2 million per union, with no specified minimum.
  3. 32.4 percent of NZRU player-generated revenue will be applied to player payment and other benefits.
  4. Revenue from team-based commercial merchandising products is divided 50-50 between NZRU and players.
  5. Revenue from individual-based commercial merchandising products is divided 20-80 between NZRU and player.
  6. All players earning national selection will receive fixed weekly fees.
  7. The transfer regulations will be dismantled, but compensation will still be payable for players moving from division one to premier division unions.

Player acceptance of a salary cap was fundamental to obtaining Commerce Commission approval.

A press release is expected from the NZRU to announce the final agreement. None of the parties will go public with details before then.


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