Munster v Cardiff Blues
25th May 2006 By Munster Rugby

Details for supporters going to the Munster v Cardiff Blues on Saturday, including access points, details for Season ticket holders and parking restrictions.
K.O. 17:30
The gates will be open at 4pm, please come early and join in the celebrations.
Please note the following:
Season Ticket Holders must enter through gates 7 or 8 only.
Holders of Family Packs/Passes must enter through Gate 1 only
All other Ticket Holders should enter through all other gates, other than 1, 7 or 8
There will be a designated area in the stand cordoned off for Stand Season Ticket Holders, please follow the instructions of the stewards on duty.
Due to the large numbers we are anticipating Stand Ticket Holders (Season or otherwise) are required to take their seat at least 20 minutes prior to kick off.
Please note that holders of Musgrave Park only Season Tickets will not gain admittance to this game.
It would be appreciated if you could follow the instructions of the stewards on duty and listen out for any announcements made over the tannoy.
Munster Rugby would like to thank you for your co-operation and continued support.
We look forward to the game.
Limerick City Council wishes to advise of the following;
The erection of advertising banners and/or distribution of advertising leaflets in any public area within Limerick City is an offence.
Please park with due consideration for local residents and note in particular that parking on any green area maintained by the City Council is prohibited: It is the policy of the City Council to photograph all vehicles parked in such a manner with a view to issuing retrospective parking tickets.
Appropriate City Council personnel will be on duty on Saturday to monitor compliance with the above.