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Introducing Rua Tipoki

13th December 2007 By Munster Rugby

Introducing Rua Tipoki

The former New Zealand Maori captain Rua Tipoki arrived in this country at the start of the season and has settled into the Munster side and Cork life comfortably.

When asked by a reporter recently if he had any regrets about moving from his native land to Munster he replied the only regret was that he hadn’t done so a little sooner.

Favourite Food: Kinas (sea urchin) on toast
Book you are currently reading or have just finished:  Dublin
Favourite TV programme:  Sopranos
Favourite Film: Life is Beautiful
Most enjoyable holiday location: Gisborne New Zealand
Favourite sport other than rugby: Surfing
The sport you least like: Fox Hunting
Person you would most like to meet: Prem Rawat
Sportsperson you admire most: Wayne ‘Buck’ Shelford.
Hobbies: Playing with my kids
Where and when did you first play rugby: At home with my cousins and friends from the day we could run and catch a ball
Biggest influence on career: My dad
Best career advice you were given: Have fun
What you like Most/Least about being a rugby player: The gear issue! / Cold showers after the game
Other sports that you played: Rugby league, squash, tennis, touch rugby
Best rugby memory: Playing for New Zealand Maori against the 2005 Lions
Rugby Player you admire most: Pep Waititi
Rugby team you admire most: Munster
Sporting event you would most like to attend: the Heineken Cup Final!
If you weren’t a pro Rugby player what would you be: A house dad
Plans for life after rugby and what provision have you made: I buy a lotto ticket every week so hopefully that comes through for me and I won’t have to worry about working after rugby
Advice you would give to aspiring pro rugby player: Train hard and enjoy yourself
Three people you would invite to dinner and why: Xavier Rush and Alan Quinlan so I could watch them argue and Jake Paringatai to do the dishes!


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