Getting To Know Sean Henry
30th September 2010 By Munster Rugby

We catch up with Sean Henry, the first year Munster Rugby academy player who hails from Sligo and made his Magners League debut last Friday against the Glasgow Warriors.
After gaining representative honours at Connacht Youths, Schools, U19s and U20s level, Sean made the move to UL Bohemians and the Munster Rugby sub academy before being promoted to the Munster Rugby academy earlier this summer.
Player Profile
Name: Sean Henry
Position: Hooker
DOB: 16/12/1987
Born: Sligo
Education: Just completed Construction Engineering and Management Degree
Favourite Food: Italian
Book you are currently reading or have just finished: Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann
Favourite TV programme: Entourage
Favourite Film: Layer Cake
Favourite Actor/Actress: Jack Nickolson
Most enjoyable holiday location: Stockholm
Marooned on a desert island what could you not be without: Phone, Laptop, iPod
Favourite sport other than rugby: American Football
The sport you least like: Badminton
Person you would most like to meet: Barack OBama
Sportsperson you admire most: Brett Favre
Hobbies: Reading, Fishing and playing X box
Where and when did you first play rugby: 1st year of secondary school in Banada Abbey, Sligo
Biggest influence on career: Family
Best career advice you were given: Work hard enough at anything and you will get what you want
What you like most/least about being a rugby player: Getting to do something I love every day/ Injuries
Other sports that you played: Gaelic Football and Hurling
Best rugby memory: Getting to the B&I Final with Munster A
Rugby Player you admire most: Keith Wood
Rugby team you admire most: Springboks
Sporting event you would most like to attend: Super Bowl
If you weren’t a rugby player what would you be: Engineer
Three people you would invite to dinner and why: Billy Connolly, Mick Jagger and Jeremy Clarkson because they all would have good stories to tell.