Galbally RFC National School’s Leprechaun Rugby Blitz Day
7th March 2011 By Munster Rugby

Galbally R.F.C recently held a Leprechaun and Touch Rugby Blitz Day at their rugby grounds and Galbally Community Sports Field.
A total of 7 National Schools from the Galbally and District areas participated including Galbally N.S, Kilross N.S, Lisvernane N.S, BallylandersN.S, Knockadea N.S, Glenbrohane N.S and Knocklong N.S.
A total of 10 teams were involved with three school's Galbally, Ballylanders and Knocklong entering two teams. All matches were spread out between three pitches with a total of five Referees, so there was not much time to catch breath, take in the view or the unusual appearence of the sun!!
All teams played three matches each in which were non-competitive with participation, fun and learning the skills of running rugby being to the fore. Great running, speed, evasive skills, support play, encouragement by players, coaches and school staff members stood out.
A great day was had by all and the organisation of the Blitz Day prior to school's ariving and the help of the Munster Community Rugby Officers and staff of Ross, Andy, Fiach and Amanda, this day would not have been possible!!
Leprechaun Rugby is a form of Touch Rugby in which incorporates non-contested (No push or jumping) Scrums and Lineouts in which is safe to both Boys and Girls and includes also the running and evasive skills needed for not just rugby but all sports! At the end of the Blitz Day, Edmond Hennessy C.C.R.O presented to the school's “I,.R.F.U Play Rugby” pack in association with Munster Rugby a in which included rugby balls, cones and training bibs to 5 of the attending school's who participated in this scheme. He praised all the participating children especially the areas of Galbally and to the other areas who contribute so much to Galbally R.F.C. He also gave praise to all the girls playing in the Blitz and said a there is a place for girls underage teams at the club in the near future. He also thanked the staff of all school's attending for their ongoing support to himself and Galbally R.F.C. A total of 180 children participated on the day!!
Training times for Mini-Rugby at Galbally R.F.C (6 to 12 years of age)
Friday Nights: 7.00pm to 8.00pm
Friday Nights: Under 13 and Under 15 Rugby: 6.30-7.30pm
For more information on Mini-Rugby Contact:
Mini-Rugby Officer: James Hayes: (086)6077356
Des Blade: (086)1706147