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‘Fight For Jack’ Fundraiser

6th February 2014 By Munster Rugby

‘Fight For Jack’ Fundraiser

A white-collar boxing fundraiser will take place on February 21st at the Dandelion Bar in St. Stephen’s Green in aid of The Jack Kavanagh Trust.

The Jack Kavanagh Trust was set up in March 2013 to raise funds for Jack, who in August 2012, at the age of 20, broke his neck simply diving into a wave on a beach. He suffered a C4/C5 spinal injury which means that he has no feeling below his upper chest, has limited use of his arms, and no use of his hands or fingers.

Ironically, he'd just finished working for the summer as a lifeguard and windsurfing instructor. No insurance will pay for his care in the years ahead, but he is determined to create as normal a life for himself as he can.

You can donate to two of the participants here with all of the money going to the Trust.

Clich here to find out more about the trust and click here to view upcoming fundraisers.


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