Duncan Casey Supports Walk Simons Way
30th July 2015 By Munster Rugby

Munster hooker Duncan Casey headed to West Clare last weekend to check out the starting point for the Mid West Simon Community (MWSC) #WalkSimonsWay fundraising event.
From Friday 25th through to Sunday 27th September 2015, the Mid West Simon Community are hosting their inaugural #WalkSimonsWay, as part of the annual Simon Week to raise funds for their support work and awareness of homelessness in Ireland.
MWSC reaches out to people who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or experiencing housing difficulties. Services are person centred and rights based. MWSC provides quality supports to all clients, while abiding by the principles of transparency and accountability. MWSC campaigns for legislative and policy changes in their vision to end homelessness. A core guiding principal of MWSC is that ‘housing is a right for every person living in Ireland’
MWSC works to move people out of homelessness and into independent living. Appropriate tailored supports are provided and a rolling programme for Clients including life skills training, access to education, training and employment.
Registration for the event is available through Precision Timing — www.precisiontiming.net
If you would like to raise your entrance fee through sponsorship please call Mid West Simon on 061 608980 and who can post a sponsorship card to you.
€;50 per person to walk from one to four stages
€;70 to walk more than four stages
€;15 for students/OAP/Jobseekers for eight stages
€;5 per minor (under 16 and must be accompanied by an adult)
For more information please visit www.midwestsimon.ie or visit their facebook page on http://www.facebook.com/midwestsimoncommunity