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Independent Chairperson Of Management Position

16th June 2017 By The Editor

The Munster Branch of the IRFU are now taking applications for the position of Independent Chairperson of Management Committee.

The Management Committee is one of the primary decision-making fora for the Munster Branch IRFU and the point where Senior Committee members and Professional Staff interact. As such it is essential the Chairperson ensures that it functions efficiently and effectively and that all decisions taken by the Committee are implemented in a timely manner. The Management Committee agenda encompasses the full spectrum of business activity and is empowered by the Branch Committee to take decisions as necessary to ensure that business runs smoothly on a day today basis. The Chairperson will have had previous experience serving as a member of the Branch Committee and will also share duties in terms of representing the Branch at all IRFU meetings and negotiations. It is a very broad brief and requires diplomacy and an ability to balance consultation and participation with decisive leadership when required.

Please note, this is a voluntary position.

Applications should be sent to jmurphy@munsterrugby.ie no later than Friday 23rd June 2017.

The Ideal Candidate should have:

  • Experience at senior level in the Branch, preferably as a chair of a key
  • Have significant and demonstrable experience and understanding of the game of rugby
  • Have significant and demonstrable experience as a Chair within Rugby and in business
  • Have strong strategic leadership skills with the ability to operate within a challenging environment
  • Ability to lead a diverse team and have excellent communication and negotiation skills
  • Strong commercial, financial and rugby acumen
  • The ability to respond to the commercial, legal and operational issues that constantly arise as part of the normal business of the organisation.


  • 3 years, with the option of a further two.

Time Commitment

The successful candidate will be available to attend Standing / Sub Committee meetings, when necessary and will be available to represent the Munster Branch, as requested

Please note the time commitment required may include evenings and weekends (including Sundays).

Key Relationships 

  • President, Chief Executive, Vice President, Hon Treasure, Hon Secretary, Standing Committee Chairpersons.
  • Munster Branch IRFU Representatives.

Key Responsibilities

The Chairperson is responsible for making sure that each meeting is planned effectively, conducted according to the Terms of Reference and that matters are dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner. This also involves regularly reviewing the Committee’s performance and identifying and managing the process for renewal of the Committee and ensuring that there are no obvious deficits in terms of professional competencies and skillsets.


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