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Final Day For Renewals Of MRSC Membership

19th June 2020 By The Editor

MRSC members have just a few days left to renew.

MRSC members have just a few days left to renew. Inpho

MRSC Full members have just one more day to renew their €50 membership for next season with the renewal period closing on Thursday, June 25.

You can renew now here.

Priority access to any tickets that we can make available following government guidelines will be offered to 2020/21 members.

By renewing your MRSC membership for the coming year, and maintaining it for the following season, you will also secure your seats for the 2021/22 season ahead of the renewal process for that season, which we know is important, not only for your own seat or terrace location but also for the shared friendships and community that we are all so proud of.

Renewal of the Associate membership of the MRSC will open once this initial renewal phase ends for Full members on June 25th.

Payment Options

All season tickets holders for the 2019/20 season will be offered a credit/refund for the Guinness PRO14 fixtures that were cancelled owing to the COVID-19 crisis.

Should you take a credit option, the credit will remain in your account for 24 months.

We have developed 5 options for members to choose what they would like to do. The deadline to take up one of these options to renew your membership and secure your seats/terrace locations expires on the 25th of June:

  • Your MRSC account will be credited with the amount owed from the cancelled 2019/20 fixtures. You can then use some of this credit to pay for your MRSC membership for 2020/21 (€50 plus Ticketmaster service charge of €5.50) and leave the balance in your account to pay for future ticket purchases.
  • You can leave the entire amount owed in your account to use for future ticket purchases and pay for your 2020/21 MRSC membership separately.
  • You can choose to pay for your 2020/21 MRSC membership with your credit and leave the remaining balance, if any, to the club. This option is to facilitate supporters who expressed a desire to support the club financially at this time.
  • You can choose to leave the amount owed from the 2019/20 season with the club and pay for your 2020/21 MRSC membership separately. This option is to facilitate supporters who expressed a desire to support the club financially at this time.
  • You can request a refund for the cancelled 2019/20 fixtures and not take up the option of renewing your MRSC membership for the 2020/21 season.

Read our FAQs here.

Read a guide on how to renew online here.

As we are working remotely the following email address and contact numbers are set up to help you if you are having difficulties with the process:

Email: mrsc@munsterrugby.ie

Phone: 061-421179; 061-421173; 061-421174
Please note that the telephone numbers above will be operational from June 4th at 9AM and will be accessible from 9AM-5PM on weekdays.

You can also email one of the following MRSC email addresses in which case an MRSC committee member will do their best to help you:



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