Energia Men’s AIL Fixtures & Results
Domestic - All Ireland League
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
October 2022 | ||||||
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Ballina | 21-29 | Skerries | Heffernan Park |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Bangor | 30-21 | Sundays Well | Upritchard Park |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Bruff | 20-18 | Omagh Academicals | Kilballyowen Park |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Clonmel | 18-8 | Midleton | Ardghaoithe |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Instonians | 39-21 | Tullamore | Shaws Bridge |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Bangor | 32-26 | Ballina | Upritchard Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Midleton | 33-7 | Sundays Well | Towns Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Omagh Academicals | 24-13 | Clonmel | Thomas Mellon Playing Fields |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Skerries | 7-43 | Instonians | Holmpatrick |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Tullamore | 50-26 | Bruff | Spollanstown |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Bruff | 7-15 | Skerries | Kilballyowen Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Clonmel | 18-21 | Tullamore | Ardghaoithe |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Instonians | 26-20 | Bangor | Shaws Bridge |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Midleton | 28-26 | Omagh Academicals | Towns Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Sundays Well | 27-9 | Ballina | Musgrave Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Ballina | 19-33 | Instonians | Heffernan Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Bangor | 17-11 | Bruff | Upritchard Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Omagh Academicals | 19-10 | Sundays Well | Thomas Mellon Playing Fields |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Skerries | 43-21 | Clonmel | Holmpatrick |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Tullamore | 20-12 | Midleton | Spollanstown |
November 2022 | ||||||
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Bruff | 43-12 | Ballina | Kilballyowen Park |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Clonmel | 33-12 | Bangor | Ardghaoithe |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Midleton | 14-24 | Skerries | Towns Park |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Omagh Academicals | 12-27 | Tullamore | Thomas Mellon Playing Fields |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Sundays Well | 5-50 | Instonians | Musgrave Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Ballina | 15-29 | Clonmel | Heffernan Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Bangor | 17-30 | Midleton | Upritchard Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Instonians | 36-28 | Bruff | Shaws Bridge |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Skerries | 14-3 | Omagh Academicals | Holmpatrick |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Tullamore | 29-10 | Sundays Well | Spollanstown |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Clonmel | 14-28 | Instonians | Ardghaoithe |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Midleton | 13-13 | Ballina | Towns Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Omagh Academicals | 13-14 | Bangor | Thomas Mellon Playing Fields |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Sundays Well | 3-10 | Bruff | Musgrave Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Tullamore | 18-16 | Skerries | Spollanstown |
December 2022 | ||||||
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Ballina | 24-17 | Omagh Academicals | Heffernan Park |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Bangor | 15-23 | Tullamore | Upritchard Park |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Bruff | 28-30 | Clonmel | Kilballyowen Park |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Instonians | 47-13 | Midleton | Shaws Bridge |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Sundays Well | 24-21 | Skerries | Musgrave Park |
10/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Clonmel | 26-5 | Sundays Well | Ardghaoithe |
10/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Omagh Academicals | 15-42 | Instonians | Thomas Mellon Playing Fields |
10/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2C | Skerries | 27-20 | Bangor | Holmpatrick |
January 2023 | ||||||
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Midleton | 20-24 | Bruff | Towns Park |
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Tullamore | 22-15 | Ballina | Spollanstown |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Ballina | 19-18 | Tullamore | Heffernan Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Bangor | 10-11 | Skerries | Upritchard Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Bruff | 22-13 | Midleton | Kilballyowen Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Instonians | 50-0 | Omagh Academicals | Shaws Bridge |
14/01/2023 | 15:15 | D2C | Sundays Well | 19-27 | Clonmel | Musgrave Park |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Clonmel | 23-10 | Bruff | Ardghaoithe |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Midleton | 6-26 | Instonians | Towns Park |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Omagh Academicals | 40-3 | Ballina | Thomas Mellon Playing Fields |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Skerries | 32-5 | Sundays Well | Holmpatrick |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Tullamore | 35-12 | Bangor | Spollanstown |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Ballina | 25-19 | Midleton | Heffernan Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Bangor | 24-12 | Omagh Academicals | Upritchard Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Bruff | 17-14 | Sundays Well | Kilballyowen Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Instonians | 64-0 | Clonmel | Shaws Bridge |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Skerries | 14-6 | Tullamore | Holmpatrick |
February 2023 | ||||||
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Bruff | 19-33 | Instonians | Kilballyowen Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Clonmel | 34-12 | Ballina | Ardghaoithe |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Midleton | 37-29 | Bangor | Towns Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Omagh Academicals | 17-22 | Skerries | Thomas Mellon Playing Fields |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Sundays Well | 11-27 | Tullamore | Musgrave Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Ballina | 27-5 | Bruff | Heffernan Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Bangor | 20-16 | Clonmel | Upritchard Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Instonians | 66-0 | Sundays Well | Shaws Bridge |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Skerries | 30-15 | Midleton | Holmpatrick |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Tullamore | 34-13 | Omagh Academicals | Spollanstown |
March 2023 | ||||||
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Bruff | 15-13 | Bangor | Kilballyowen Park |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Clonmel | 10-18 | Skerries | Ardghaoithe |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Instonians | 56-7 | Ballina | Shaws Bridge |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Midleton | 24-17 | Tullamore | Towns Park |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Sundays Well | 49-15 | Omagh Academicals | Musgrave Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Ballina | 35-33 | Sundays Well | Heffernan Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Bangor | 17-40 | Instonians | Upritchard Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Omagh Academicals | 27-17 | Midleton | Thomas Mellon Playing Fields |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Skerries | 30-17 | Bruff | Holmpatrick |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Tullamore | 38-22 | Clonmel | Mullingar RFC |
31/03/2023 | 20:00 | D2C | Sundays Well | 24-23 | Midleton | Musgrave Park |
April 2023 | ||||||
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Ballina | 27-17 | Bangor | Heffernan Park |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Bruff | 17-24 | Tullamore | Kilballyowen Park |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Clonmel | 19-36 | Omagh Academicals | Ardghaoithe |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Instonians | 45-26 | Skerries | Shaws Bridge |
15/04/2023 | 13:00 | D2C | Sundays Well | 31-27 | Bangor | Musgrave Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Midleton | 24-13 | Clonmel | Towns Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Omagh Academicals | 27-34 | Bruff | Thomas Mellon Playing Fields |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Skerries | 45-28 | Ballina | Holmpatrick |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2C | Tullamore | 29-68 | Instonians | Spollanstown |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
October 2022 | ||||||
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Belfast Harlequins | 26-9 | Sligo | Deramore Park |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Dungannon | 33-7 | Galwegians | Stevenson Park |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Enniscorthy | 15-26 | Greystones | Alcast Park |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Galway Corinthians RFC | 34-33 | Rainey Old Boys | Corinthian Park |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Malahide | 17-14 | Wanderers | Estuary Road |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Galwegians | 21-58 | Galway Corinthians RFC | Crowley Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Greystones | 25-16 | Dungannon | Dr Hickey Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Rainey Old Boys | 21-25 | Belfast Harlequins | Hatrick Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Sligo | 18-11 | Malahide | Hamilton Park (Strandhill) |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Wanderers | 38-22 | Enniscorthy | Aviva Stadium |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Belfast Harlequins | 38-22 | Galwegians | Deramore Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Dungannon | 28-19 | Wanderers | Stevenson Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Galway Corinthians RFC | 17-45 | Greystones | Corinthian Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Malahide | 12-12 | Enniscorthy | Estuary Road |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Sligo | 13-14 | Rainey Old Boys | Hamilton Park (Strandhill) |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Enniscorthy | 12-32 | Dungannon | Alcast Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Galwegians | 29-29 | Sligo | Crowley Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Greystones | 14-0 | Belfast Harlequins | Dr Hickey Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Rainey Old Boys | 19-0 | Malahide | Hatrick Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Wanderers | 35-31 | Galway Corinthians RFC | Merrion Road |
November 2022 | ||||||
05/11/2022 | 13:30 | D2B | Malahide | 31-27 | Dungannon | Estuary Road |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Belfast Harlequins | 14-14 | Wanderers | Deramore Park |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Galway Corinthians RFC | 43-10 | Enniscorthy | Corinthian Park |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Rainey Old Boys | 26-15 | Galwegians | Hatrick Park |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Sligo | 15-35 | Greystones | Hamilton Park (Strandhill) |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Dungannon | 24-31 | Galway Corinthians RFC | Stevenson Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Enniscorthy | 10-30 | Belfast Harlequins | Alcast Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Galwegians | 11-13 | Malahide | Crowley Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Greystones | 29-7 | Rainey Old Boys | Dr Hickey Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Wanderers | 19-22 | Sligo | Merrion Road |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Belfast Harlequins | 10-15 | Dungannon | Deramore Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Galwegians | 12-14 | Greystones | Crowley Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Malahide | 20-26 | Galway Corinthians RFC | Estuary Road |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Rainey Old Boys | 14-21 | Wanderers | Hatrick Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Sligo | 17-10 | Enniscorthy | Hamilton Park (Strandhill) |
December 2022 | ||||||
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Dungannon | 21-28 | Sligo | Stevenson Park |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Enniscorthy | 18-19 | Rainey Old Boys | Alcast Park |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Galway Corinthians RFC | 54-14 | Belfast Harlequins | Corinthian Park |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Malahide | 7-35 | Greystones | Estuary Road |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Wanderers | 31-31 | Galwegians | Merrion Road |
10/12/2022 | 14:00 | D2B | Sligo | 7-24 | Galway Corinthians RFC | Hamilton Park (Strandhill) |
10/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Galwegians | 41-18 | Enniscorthy | Crowley Park |
10/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2B | Greystones | 20-19 | Wanderers | Dr Hickey Park |
January 2023 | ||||||
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Belfast Harlequins | 19-19 | Malahide | Deramore Park |
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Rainey Old Boys | 21-19 | Dungannon | Hatrick Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Dungannon | 7-10 | Rainey Old Boys | Stevenson Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Enniscorthy | 44-0 | Galwegians | Alcast Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Galway Corinthians RFC | 26-12 | Sligo | Corinthian Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Malahide | 12-7 | Belfast Harlequins | Estuary Road |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Wanderers | 3-17 | Greystones | Merrion Road |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Galwegians | 25-21 | Wanderers | Crowley Park |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Greystones | 47-10 | Malahide | Dr Hickey Park |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Sligo | 20-14 | Dungannon | Hamilton Park (Strandhill) |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Dungannon | 24-19 | Belfast Harlequins | Stevenson Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Enniscorthy | 19-5 | Sligo | Alcast Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Galway Corinthians RFC | 37-28 | Malahide | Corinthian Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Greystones | 34-21 | Galwegians | Dr Hickey Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Wanderers | 20-10 | Rainey Old Boys | Merrion Road |
February 2023 | ||||||
11/02/2023 | 12:30 | D2B | Belfast Harlequins | 36-45 | Galway Corinthians RFC | Deramore Park |
11/02/2023 | 12:30 | D2B | Rainey Old Boys | 26-20 | Enniscorthy | Hatrick Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Belfast Harlequins | 20-14 | Enniscorthy | Deramore Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Galway Corinthians RFC | 21-24 | Dungannon | Corinthian Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Malahide | 23-7 | Galwegians | Estuary Road |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Rainey Old Boys | 14-19 | Greystones | Hatrick Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Sligo | 13-12 | Wanderers | Hamilton Park (Strandhill) |
25/02/2023 | 12:00 | D2B | Galwegians | 45-26 | Rainey Old Boys | Crowley Park |
25/02/2023 | 12:15 | D2B | Enniscorthy | 26-24 | Galway Corinthians RFC | Alcast Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Dungannon | 14-21 | Malahide | Stevenson Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Greystones | 52-12 | Sligo | Dr Hickey Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Wanderers | 32-13 | Belfast Harlequins | Merrion Road |
March 2023 | ||||||
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Belfast Harlequins | 24-12 | Greystones | Deramore Park |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Dungannon | 35-26 | Enniscorthy | Stevenson Park |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Galway Corinthians RFC | 7-20 | Wanderers | Corinthian Park |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Malahide | 27-20 | Rainey Old Boys | Estuary Road |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Sligo | 36-22 | Galwegians | Hamilton Park (Strandhill) |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Enniscorthy | 17-10 | Malahide | Alcast Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Galwegians | 12-31 | Belfast Harlequins | Crowley Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Greystones | 24-19 | Galway Corinthians RFC | Dr Hickey Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Rainey Old Boys | 17-20 | Sligo | Hatrick Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Wanderers | 17-26 | Dungannon | Merrion Road |
31/03/2023 | 19:30 | D2B | Galway Corinthians RFC | 31-27 | Galwegians | Corinthian Park |
April 2023 | ||||||
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Belfast Harlequins | 20-22 | Rainey Old Boys | Deramore Park |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Dungannon | 22-0 | Greystones | Stevenson Park |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Enniscorthy | 7-24 | Wanderers | Alcast Park |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Malahide | 24-26 | Sligo | Estuary Road |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Galwegians | 42-33 | Dungannon | Crowley Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Greystones | 31-27 | Enniscorthy | Dr Hickey Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Rainey Old Boys | 24-18 | Galway Corinthians RFC | Hatrick Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Sligo | 40-7 | Belfast Harlequins | Hamilton Park (Strandhill) |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2B | Wanderers | 36-19 | Malahide | Merrion Road |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
October 2022 | ||||||
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Blackrock College RFC | 38-24 | Ballymena | Stradbrook |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | MU Barnhall | 44-27 | Old Crescent | Parsonstown |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Navan RFC | 20-19 | Cashel RFC | Balreask Old |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Queens University | 69-12 | Dolphin | Dub Lane |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | UL Bohemian | 5-20 | Nenagh Ormond | UL North Campus |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Ballymena | 20-14 | Navan RFC | Eaton Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Cashel RFC | 32-9 | UL Bohemian | Spafield |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Dolphin | 35-8 | Blackrock College RFC | Musgrave Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Nenagh Ormond | 25-22 | MU Barnhall | New Ormond Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Old Crescent | 24-36 | Queens University | Takumi Park |
14/10/2022 | 20:00 | D2A | Nenagh Ormond | 20-36 | Cashel RFC | New Ormond Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Blackrock College RFC | 31-19 | Old Crescent | Stradbrook |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | MU Barnhall | 18-20 | Queens University | Parsonstown |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Navan RFC | 29-12 | Dolphin | Balreask Old |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | UL Bohemian | 20-24 | Ballymena | UL Arena |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Ballymena | 16-12 | Nenagh Ormond | Eaton Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Cashel RFC | 21-22 | MU Barnhall | Spafield |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Dolphin | 27-24 | UL Bohemian | Musgrave Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Old Crescent | 9-15 | Navan RFC | Takumi Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Queens University | 29-30 | Blackrock College RFC | Dub Lane |
November 2022 | ||||||
05/11/2022 | 14:00 | D2A | UL Bohemian | 25-27 | Old Crescent | Annacotty |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Cashel RFC | 27-0 | Ballymena | Spafield |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | MU Barnhall | 12-21 | Blackrock College RFC | Parsonstown |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Navan RFC | 24-24 | Queens University | Balreask Old |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Nenagh Ormond | 27-15 | Dolphin | New Ormond Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Ballymena | 21-22 | MU Barnhall | Eaton Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Blackrock College RFC | 26-25 | Navan RFC | Stradbrook |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Dolphin | 19-24 | Cashel RFC | Musgrave Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Old Crescent | 29-28 | Nenagh Ormond | Takumi Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Queens University | 48-19 | UL Bohemian | Dub Lane |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Ballymena | 26-10 | Dolphin | Eaton Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Cashel RFC | 14-8 | Old Crescent | Spafield |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | MU Barnhall | 32-12 | Navan RFC | Parsonstown |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Nenagh Ormond | 32-24 | Queens University | New Ormond Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | UL Bohemian | 26-31 | Blackrock College RFC | Annacotty |
December 2022 | ||||||
03/12/2022 | 14:00 | D2A | MU Barnhall | 34-19 | Dolphin | Parsonstown |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Blackrock College RFC | 17-14 | Nenagh Ormond | Stradbrook |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Navan RFC | 15-0 | UL Bohemian | Balreask Old |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Old Crescent | 32-14 | Ballymena | Takumi Park |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Queens University | 38-31 | Cashel RFC | Dub Lane |
10/12/2022 | 14:30 | D2A | Dolphin | 28-31 | Old Crescent | Musgrave Park |
January 2023 | ||||||
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Ballymena | 12-26 | Queens University | Eaton Park |
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Cashel RFC | 17-17 | Blackrock College RFC | Spafield |
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Nenagh Ormond | 31-15 | Navan RFC | New Ormond Park |
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | UL Bohemian | 20-17 | MU Barnhall | UL 4G Pitch |
14/01/2023 | 13:30 | D2A | Old Crescent | 18-17 | Dolphin | Takumi Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Blackrock College RFC | 8-14 | Cashel RFC | Stradbrook |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | MU Barnhall | 42-29 | UL Bohemian | Parsonstown |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Navan RFC | 10-10 | Nenagh Ormond | Balreask Old |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Queens University | 43-25 | Ballymena | Dub Lane |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Cashel RFC | 17-21 | Queens University | Spafield |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Dolphin | 24-34 | MU Barnhall | Musgrave Park |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Nenagh Ormond | 20-10 | Blackrock College RFC | New Ormond Park |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | UL Bohemian | 17-19 | Navan RFC | UL Arena |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Blackrock College RFC | 43-5 | UL Bohemian | Stradbrook |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Dolphin | 38-40 | Ballymena | Musgrave Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Navan RFC | 19-20 | MU Barnhall | Balreask Old |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Old Crescent | 17-19 | Cashel RFC | Takumi Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Queens University | 15-24 | Nenagh Ormond | Dub Lane |
February 2023 | ||||||
11/02/2023 | 12:30 | D2A | Ballymena | 22-19 | Old Crescent | Eaton Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Cashel RFC | 10-10 | Dolphin | Spafield |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | MU Barnhall | 31-14 | Ballymena | Parsonstown |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Navan RFC | 21-31 | Blackrock College RFC | Balreask Old |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Nenagh Ormond | 28-7 | Old Crescent | New Ormond Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | UL Bohemian | 31-19 | Queens University | UL Arena |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Ballymena | 26-19 | Cashel RFC | Eaton Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Blackrock College RFC | 44-29 | MU Barnhall | Stradbrook |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Dolphin | 14-47 | Nenagh Ormond | Musgrave Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Old Crescent | 17-18 | UL Bohemian | Takumi Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Queens University | 46-15 | Navan RFC | Dub Lane |
March 2023 | ||||||
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Blackrock College RFC | 27-28 | Queens University | Stradbrook |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | MU Barnhall | 21-17 | Cashel RFC | Parsonstown |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Navan RFC | 21-22 | Old Crescent | Balreask Old |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Nenagh Ormond | 34-24 | Ballymena | New Ormond Park |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | UL Bohemian | 27-24 | Dolphin | Annacotty |
24/03/2023 | 20:00 | D2A | Cashel RFC | 17-21 | Nenagh Ormond | Spafield |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Ballymena | 25-22 | UL Bohemian | Eaton Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Dolphin | 24-46 | Navan RFC | Musgrave Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Old Crescent | 24-38 | Blackrock College RFC | Takumi Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Queens University | 57-10 | MU Barnhall | Dub Lane |
April 2023 | ||||||
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Blackrock College RFC | 40-26 | Dolphin | Stradbrook |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | MU Barnhall | 26-10 | Nenagh Ormond | Parsonstown |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Navan RFC | 26-19 | Ballymena | Balreask Old |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Queens University | 45-10 | Old Crescent | Dub Lane |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | UL Bohemian | 19-33 | Cashel RFC | Annacotty |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Ballymena | 31-34 | Blackrock College RFC | Eaton Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Cashel RFC | 31-21 | Navan RFC | Spafield |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Nenagh Ormond | 26-21 | UL Bohemian | New Ormond Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2A | Old Crescent | 29-21 | MU Barnhall | Takumi Park |
15/04/2023 | 16:00 | D2A | Dolphin | 21-97 | Queens University | Musgrave Park |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
October 2022 | ||||||
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | City of Armagh | 22-20 | Buccaneers | Palace Grounds |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Highfield | 26-20 | Banbridge | Woodleigh Park |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Malone | 12-36 | UCC | GIbson Park |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Belvedere | 32-28 | St Mary's College | Ollie Campbell Park |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Wesley | 37-7 | Naas | Energia Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Banbridge | 14-13 | Old Belvedere | Rifle Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Buccaneers | 35-7 | Old Wesley | Dubarry Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Naas | 22-24 | Highfield | Forenaughts |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | St Mary's College | 41-34 | Malone | Templeville Road |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | UCC | 15-14 | City of Armagh | The Mardyke |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | City of Armagh | 24-21 | Old Wesley | Palace Grounds |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Highfield | 14-17 | Buccaneers | Woodleigh Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Malone | 27-24 | Banbridge | GIbson Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Belvedere | 25-22 | Naas | Ollie Campbell Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | UCC | 25-20 | St Mary's College | The Mardyke |
29/10/2022 | 14:00 | D1B | Old Wesley | 6-5 | Highfield | Energia Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Banbridge | 21-32 | UCC | Rifle Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Buccaneers | 24-13 | Old Belvedere | Dubarry Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Naas | 38-24 | Malone | Forenaughts |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | St Mary's College | 39-22 | City of Armagh | Templeville Road |
November 2022 | ||||||
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | City of Armagh | 31-19 | Highfield | Palace Grounds |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Malone | 18-35 | Buccaneers | GIbson Park |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Belvedere | 31-24 | Old Wesley | Ollie Campbell Park |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | St Mary's College | 66-7 | Banbridge | Templeville Road |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | UCC | 21-26 | Naas | The Mardyke |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Banbridge | 7-10 | City of Armagh | Rifle Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Buccaneers | 29-0 | UCC | Dubarry Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Highfield | 21-10 | Old Belvedere | Woodleigh Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Naas | 30-32 | St Mary's College | Forenaughts |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Wesley | 31-18 | Malone | Energia Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Banbridge | 35-20 | Naas | Rifle Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | City of Armagh | 31-20 | Old Belvedere | Palace Grounds |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Malone | 20-17 | Highfield | GIbson Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | St Mary's College | 9-23 | Buccaneers | Templeville Road |
26/11/2022 | 15:00 | D1B | UCC | 15-25 | Old Wesley | The Mardyke |
December 2022 | ||||||
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Buccaneers | 44-13 | Banbridge | Dubarry Park |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | City of Armagh | 38-27 | Naas | Palace Grounds |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Highfield | 29-10 | UCC | Woodleigh Park |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Belvedere | 29-13 | Malone | Ollie Campbell Park |
03/12/2022 | 17:00 | D1B | Old Wesley | 10-15 | St Mary's College | Energia Park |
10/12/2022 | 14:30 | D1B | Naas | 24-21 | Buccaneers | Tullow RFC |
17/12/2022 | 16:30 | D1B | UCC | 19-61 | Old Belvedere | Musgrave Park |
January 2023 | ||||||
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Malone | 11-13 | City of Armagh | GIbson Park |
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | St Mary's College | 14-34 | Highfield | Templeville Road |
07/01/2023 | 15:30 | D1B | Banbridge | 26-36 | Old Wesley | Rifle Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Buccaneers | 13-11 | Naas | Dubarry Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | City of Armagh | 22-6 | Malone | Palace Grounds |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Highfield | 20-14 | St Mary's College | Woodleigh Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Belvedere | 52-12 | UCC | Ollie Campbell Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Wesley | 28-12 | Banbridge | Energia Park |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Banbridge | 43-15 | Buccaneers | Rifle Park |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Malone | 8-18 | Old Belvedere | GIbson Park |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Naas | 5-32 | City of Armagh | Forenaughts |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | St Mary's College | 21-30 | Old Wesley | Templeville Road |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | UCC | 10-34 | Highfield | The Mardyke |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Buccaneers | 31-24 | St Mary's College | Dubarry Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Highfield | 24-3 | Malone | Woodleigh Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Naas | 47-34 | Banbridge | Forenaughts |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Belvedere | 15-0 | City of Armagh | Ollie Campbell Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Wesley | 18-19 | UCC | Energia Park |
February 2023 | ||||||
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | City of Armagh | 34-12 | Banbridge | Palace Grounds |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Malone | 17-17 | Old Wesley | GIbson Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Belvedere | 22-7 | Highfield | Ollie Campbell Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | St Mary's College | 20-27 | Naas | Templeville Road |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | UCC | 10-19 | Buccaneers | The Mardyke |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Banbridge | 21-26 | St Mary's College | Rifle Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Highfield | 21-23 | City of Armagh | Woodleigh Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Naas | 34-28 | UCC | Forenaughts |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Wesley | 31-35 | Old Belvedere | Energia Park |
25/02/2023 | 17:30 | D1B | Buccaneers | 27-24 | Malone | Dubarry Park |
March 2023 | ||||||
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | City of Armagh | 23-20 | St Mary's College | Palace Grounds |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Highfield | 21-16 | Old Wesley | Woodleigh Park |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Malone | 32-17 | Naas | GIbson Park |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Belvedere | 34-7 | Buccaneers | Ollie Campbell Park |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | UCC | 46-34 | Banbridge | The Mardyke |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Banbridge | 35-29 | Malone | Rifle Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Buccaneers | 7-27 | Highfield | Dubarry Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Naas | 25-17 | Old Belvedere | Forenaughts |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Wesley | 13-6 | City of Armagh | Energia Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | St Mary's College | 40-32 | UCC | Templeville Road |
April 2023 | ||||||
01/04/2023 | 14:00 | D1B | Old Belvedere | 27-27 | Banbridge | Ollie Campbell Park |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | City of Armagh | 24-20 | UCC | Palace Grounds |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Highfield | 21-7 | Naas | Woodleigh Park |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Malone | 29-13 | St Mary's College | GIbson Park |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Old Wesley | 40-10 | Buccaneers | Energia Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Banbridge | 16-10 | Highfield | Rifle Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Buccaneers | 24-31 | City of Armagh | Dubarry Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | Naas | 35-39 | Old Wesley | Forenaughts |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | St Mary's College | 21-32 | Old Belvedere | Templeville Road |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1B | UCC | 20-10 | Malone | Mardyke |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
October 2022 | ||||||
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Cork Constitution | 19-18 | Young Munster | Temple Hill |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Garryowen | 14-50 | Dublin University | Dooradoyle |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Lansdowne | 31-34 | Ballynahinch | Aviva Stadium Back Pitch |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Shannon | 3-39 | Terenure College | Thomond Park |
01/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | UCD | 19-24 | Clontarf | Belfield |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Ballynahinch | 41-8 | Shannon | Ballymacarn Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Clontarf | 27-19 | Lansdowne | Castle Avenue |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Dublin University | 38-24 | UCD | College Park |
08/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Terenure College | 47-12 | Cork Constitution | Lakelands Park |
08/10/2022 | 17:00 | D1A | Young Munster | 26-23 | Garryowen | Tom Clifford Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:00 | D1A | Shannon | 21-36 | Cork Constitution | Thomond Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Ballynahinch | 3-28 | Clontarf | Ballymacarn Park |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Garryowen | 25-38 | Terenure College | Dooradoyle |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Lansdowne | 17-27 | Dublin University | Aviva Stadium Back Pitch |
15/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | UCD | 10-23 | Young Munster | Belfield |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Clontarf | 27-9 | Shannon | Castle Avenue |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Cork Constitution | 33-16 | Garryowen | Temple Hill |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Dublin University | 35-16 | Ballynahinch | College Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Terenure College | 58-5 | UCD | Lakelands Park |
29/10/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Young Munster | 13-20 | Lansdowne | Tom Clifford Park |
November 2022 | ||||||
04/11/2022 | 19:30 | D1A | Shannon | 30-19 | Garryowen | Thomond Park Main Pitch |
04/11/2022 | 20:00 | D1A | Lansdowne | 12-32 | Terenure College | Aviva Stadium Back Pitch |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Ballynahinch | 25-20 | Young Munster | Ballymacarn Park |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Clontarf | 38-33 | Dublin University | Castle Avenue |
05/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | UCD | 31-36 | Cork Constitution | Belfield |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Cork Constitution | 36-25 | Lansdowne | Temple Hill |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Dublin University | 34-28 | Shannon | College Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Garryowen | 22-47 | UCD | Dooradoyle |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Terenure College | 38-21 | Ballynahinch | Lakelands Park |
12/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Young Munster | 24-19 | Clontarf | Tom Clifford Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:00 | D1A | Shannon | 36-24 | UCD | Thomond Park Back Pitch |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Ballynahinch | 13-20 | Cork Constitution | Ballymacarn Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Clontarf | 24-29 | Terenure College | Castle Avenue |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Dublin University | 24-25 | Young Munster | College Park |
26/11/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Lansdowne | 47-28 | Garryowen | Aviva Stadium Back Pitch |
December 2022 | ||||||
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Cork Constitution | 22-29 | Clontarf | Temple Hill |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Garryowen | 10-28 | Ballynahinch | Dooradoyle |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Terenure College | 23-21 | Dublin University | Lakelands Park |
03/12/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | UCD | 27-26 | Lansdowne | Belfield |
03/12/2022 | 17:00 | D1A | Shannon | 3-32 | Young Munster | Thomond Park Main Pitch |
10/12/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Clontarf | 36-10 | Garryowen | Castle Avenue |
10/12/2022 | 16:45 | D1A | Young Munster | 24-18 | Terenure College | Tom Clifford Park |
17/12/2022 | 14:30 | D1A | Lansdowne | 31-41 | Shannon | Aviva Stadium Back Pitch |
January 2023 | ||||||
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Ballynahinch | 31-25 | UCD | Ballymacarn Park |
07/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Dublin University | 35-35 | Cork Constitution | College Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:00 | D1A | Garryowen | 13-19 | Clontarf | Dooradoyle |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Cork Constitution | 32-27 | Dublin University | Temple Hill |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Shannon | 24-34 | Lansdowne | Coonagh |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Terenure College | 21-11 | Young Munster | Lakelands Park |
14/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | UCD | 0-24 | Ballynahinch | Belfield |
20/01/2023 | 20:00 | D1A | Lansdowne | 23-20 | UCD | Aviva Stadium Back Pitch |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Clontarf | 12-24 | Cork Constitution | Castle Avenue |
21/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Dublin University | 7-12 | Terenure College | College Park |
21/01/2023 | 16:00 | D1A | Ballynahinch | 24-7 | Garryowen | Newforge Sports Complex |
21/01/2023 | 17:00 | D1A | Young Munster | 31-27 | Shannon | Tom Clifford Park |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Cork Constitution | 14-3 | Ballynahinch | Temple Hill |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Garryowen | 21-17 | Lansdowne | Dooradoyle |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | UCD | 22-19 | Shannon | Belfield |
28/01/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Young Munster | 17-10 | Dublin University | Tom Clifford Park |
28/01/2023 | 15:00 | D1A | Terenure College | 24-29 | Clontarf | Lakelands Park |
February 2023 | ||||||
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Ballynahinch | 10-8 | Terenure College | Ballymacarn Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Clontarf | 27-24 | Young Munster | Castle Avenue |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Lansdowne | 25-19 | Cork Constitution | Aviva Stadium Back Pitch |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Shannon | 43-17 | Dublin University | Thomond Park |
18/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | UCD | 52-12 | Garryowen | UCD Bowl |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Cork Constitution | 29-34 | UCD | Temple Hill |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Dublin University | 21-38 | Clontarf | College Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Garryowen | 16-26 | Shannon | Dooradoyle |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Terenure College | 43-24 | Lansdowne | Lakelands Park |
25/02/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Young Munster | 21-0 | Ballynahinch | Tom Clifford Park |
March 2023 | ||||||
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Garryowen | 21-29 | Cork Constitution | Dooradoyle |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Lansdowne | 10-15 | Young Munster | Aviva Stadium Back Pitch |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Shannon | 3-33 | Clontarf | Thomond Park |
04/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | UCD | 10-32 | Terenure College | UCD Bowl |
04/03/2023 | 16:00 | D1A | Ballynahinch | 36-15 | Dublin University | Ballymacarn Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Clontarf | 24-14 | Ballynahinch | Castle Avenue |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Cork Constitution | 36-19 | Shannon | Temple Hill |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Dublin University | 10-32 | Lansdowne | College Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Terenure College | 52-0 | Garryowen | Lakelands Park |
25/03/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Young Munster | 23-17 | UCD | Tom Clifford Park |
31/03/2023 | 20:00 | D1A | Lansdowne | 28-31 | Clontarf | Aviva Stadium Back Pitch |
31/03/2023 | 20:00 | D1A | UCD | 22-19 | Dublin University | UCD Bowl |
April 2023 | ||||||
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Cork Constitution | 27-23 | Terenure College | Temple Hill |
01/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Shannon | 26-10 | Ballynahinch | Thomond Park |
01/04/2023 | 15:30 | D1A | Garryowen | 28-22 | Young Munster | Dooradoyle |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Ballynahinch | 17-7 | Lansdowne | Ballymacarn Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Clontarf | 50-29 | UCD | Castle Avenue |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Dublin University | 66-14 | Garryowen | College Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Terenure College | 29-17 | Shannon | Lakelands Park |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1A | Young Munster | 26-36 | Cork Constitution | Tom Clifford Park |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
01/04/2023 | 13:00 | RR | Bective Rangers | 19-34 | Clogher Valley | Ashbrook, Coolmine RFC |
01/04/2023 | 15:00 | RR | Richmond | 14-11 | Creggs RFC | Ashbrook, Coolmine RFC |
15/04/2023 | 14:30 | RR | Richmond | v | Clogher Valley | Ashbourne RFC |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
22/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1BPP | Banbridge | 18-20 | MU Barnhall | Rifle Park |
22/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1BPP | Blackrock College RFC | 10-8 | Nenagh Ormond | Stradbrook |
May 2023 | ||||||
06/05/2023 | 14:30 | D1BPP | Blackrock College RFC | 29-21 | MU Barnhall | Stradbrook |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
April 2023 | ||||||
22/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1ASF | Clontarf | 13-12 | Young Munster | Castle Avenue |
22/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1ASF | Terenure College | 30-12 | Cork Constitution | Lakelands Park |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
22/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2APP | Galway Corinthians RFC | 8-12 | Dungannon | Corinthian Park |
22/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2APP | UL Bohemian | 16-14 | Sligo | Annacotty |
May 2023 | ||||||
06/05/2023 | 14:30 | D2APP | UL Bohemian | 20-16 | Dungannon | Annacotty |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
April 2023 | ||||||
22/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2BPP | Galwegians | 12-24 | Bruff | Crowley Park |
22/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2BPP | Skerries | 12-3 | Tullamore | Holmpatrick |
May 2023 | ||||||
06/05/2023 | 14:30 | D2BPP | Skerries | 30-15 | Bruff | Holmpatrick |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
April 2023 | ||||||
22/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1APP | Old Belvedere | 17-19 | Highfield | Ollie Campbell Park |
22/04/2023 | 14:30 | D1APP | Shannon | 24-6 | Old Wesley | Thomond Park |
May 2023 | ||||||
06/05/2023 | 14:30 | D1APP | Shannon | 32-12 | Highfield | Thomond Park |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
April 2023 | ||||||
29/04/2023 | 14:30 | D2CRRPP | Midleton | 29-17 | Richmond | Tanner Park |
Date | Time | Home | Score | Away | Venue | Referee |
May 2023 | ||||||
07/05/2023 | 15:00 | D1AF | Clontarf | v | Terenure College | Aviva Stadium |