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Club Development | Adult Player Survey

10th April 2018 By The Editor

Club Development | Adult Player Survey

Garryowen's Mark Rowley with Henry Flemming and Robbie Burke of UL Bohemian INPHO/Ryan Byrne

Munster Rugby Development are currently investigating the playing preference for all adult players in Munster.

To that end, a short survey has been devised to discover the views of players.

Clubs are encouraged to share the survey with their players, either by e-mail, team text message or Whatsapp group.

Munster Rugby Development would like to thank clubs in advance for their co-operation and support, it is envisaged that the information sourced from the survey will contribute towards a competitive rugby environment suitable for players’ changing lifestyles.

SURVEY: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeHgbluqqgT4zo0kMqC65iYV5GXz1COLKBvmCOZj2PK7TFDBg/viewform?c=0&w=1



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