Club Notes Week Ending 20.05.12
25th May 2012 By Munster Rugby

This week’s Club Notes come from Clonakilty RFC.
One season comes to an end and another beckons. The coming season will be as challenging as any in the past. The relegation and its handling will tell a lot about a club in transition but if preparation is anything to go by then Roy Keane will be proud of his West Cork cousins. Already the club has returned to a home-grown ethos with the appointment of Kevin O’Regan and Maurice Downey as the coaching team. Despite the ravages of emigration last seasons players who are remaining at home are eagerly looking forward to a new season and the opportunity to show that they can bounce back.
The coaches and management team are already in the field and have called a players meeting for this Thursday night 24th May at 7.30pm in the clubhouse. They are appealing to all players, who are considering taking the field this coming season to attend and help to establish the momentum that will bring the club back to the success it enjoyed for so long. The meeting is open to all players who have reached the age of 18 regardless of the level they have played heretofore. Current players, new players, those making the transition from under age to adult rugby, those interested in dual status or even those thinking of coming out of retirement will all be warmly welcomed to a meeting that will set the objectives of the season and the training schedules including pre-season conditioning. The proposed club tour (open to all members over 18 with no upper limit!) will also be outlined.
Preparation off the field is also progressing and the recent, hugely successful, fundraiser featuring Neven Maguire in Fernhill House was brought to Clonakilty recently by a Garett Sheehan led team of volunteers which included many new faces. It is this revitalisation of the club that will take the challenges of the times head-on and the club is therefore anxious to emphasise that new members are very welcome. Your Club, Your Community – Help Us Grow. The Neven Maguire Cookery Demonstration function was an example of the volunteerism that is so vital to the club’s survival and the club is extremely grateful to the hard-working team for this. There will be a need for further events and we need to expand our “workforce”. We promise you will enjoy the experience.
Clubs like Clonakilty could not hope to continue without the generous support of sponsors. The event was made possible by the active participation of main sponsors Clonakilty Black Pudding, Shannonvale Foods, Dubliner Cheese and Clona Dairies. In addition the participating artisan producers showcased their wonderful products and added a special atmosphere to the event. They were Bridgestone, Drombeg Premium Irish Spirit, Gubbeen Cheese, Java Republic Coffee, Shellfish De La Mer, Stonewell Cider, Ummera, West Cork Food and Woodcock Smoke House. A special thank you is also due to An Sugan Bar & Restaurant once again for their generous sponsorship of the wine reception and to the O’Neill family of the Fernhill House Hotel for their hosting of the event and continued support for the club.
Clonakilty RFC was founded in 1977 and progressed from minor, through junior, to arrive proudly as a senior club in 2001. The club has grown in stature over the years and now faces into its 12th senior All Ireland League season. It is important that a senior rugby presence is alive and well in West Cork. If you are a Parent, Player or a supporter and would like to help us in our efforts please contact or Roy on 086 60 11111. We particularly welcome new arrivals in West Cork. We provide the youth of the area with superb facilities and coaching. As always, it is a huge challenge to compete on the national stage and maintaining this presence is of great benefit to the town in both an economic sense and in profile. A testament to the success of the youth structure within the club is the selection of Joe White, David O’Mahony and Philip Poillot to the Munster Under 18s Training Squad. These exceptional players now join an impressive list of Clonakilty players that have represented their province with some going on to represent their country at youth level.
We are a community-based club and we warmly welcome anyone who would like to join us in our efforts. Volunteerism is the heart and soul of any club and whatever your background we will find a job for you. We operate teams from Under 7 to Under 19, three senior sides and a really, really senior side. Our ladies were once a vibrant part of the club but falling playing numbers saw that sector disband. It is hoped that this is a temporary setback and that those most skilful of all rugby players will entertain us again soon. In the summer months, we operate a Tag league, which is an ideal way to meet new friends and get fit at the same time in a non-contact environment. Each level within the club is provided with coaches and mentors and this is also an area where we would love to welcome new volunteers. We welcome also of course anyone who would just like to join as a supporter. Please email or call Roy on 086 60 11111, contact any member you know or simply turn up to our AGM on Thursday 31st May at 8.00pm in the clubhouse.
AGM: Please note the change of date as Clonakilty RFC regret that due to unavoidable and unforseen circumstances arising since the setting of the date for the AGM that it has been necessary to postpone the meeting set for this Friday 25th May. The AGM will now take place in the clubhouse at 8.00pm on next Thursday 31st May. The club would appeal to all members and intending members to make a special effort to attend as there are proposed changes to the constitution and new structures being introduced at the start of this very important year for the club. Make 2012-2013 memorable for all the right reasons.
Important Dates:
Thursday 24th May – Players Meeting, Clubhouse 7.30pm (New players welcome)
Thursday 31st May – Annual General Meeting, Clubhouse 8.00pm