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Coaching Courses In UL Prove Big Hit

8th October 2014 By Munster Rugby

Coaching Courses In UL Prove Big Hit

Munster Rugby recently held a very successful Mini and Foundation coaching course for coaches working at stage 1 and stage 2 rugby, in the superb 4G and Pavilion facilities in UL Limerick.

The Munster Rugby coach development department coordinated the course with 38 coaches attending the Mini course and 33 attending the Foundation course.

The feedback from the participants has been hugely positive and our coach development and community staff look forward to continuing to support these coaches in their clubs and schools.

We would like to thank all the excellent support tutors who assisted in making these courses so successful and congratulate all those tutors who recently were accredited as IRFU tutors.

If you would like to attend one of our upcoming coaching courses in Cork (Oct 31 – Nov 1) and Clonmel (Nov 7-8) please email info@munsterrugby.ie to book your place.


The coaches are put through their paces in UL


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