Gallery | English & Rugby Camps 2018
16th July 2018 By The Editor

Duncan Williams and Billy Holland meet the students at the English Rugby Camp
Munster Rugby, in partnership with the Cork English College, are currently hosting English & Rugby Camps for foreign students aged from 13 to 16 years who wish to develop their English language and improve their rugby skills.
Students who participate in the two-week camp experience the combination of language tuition in the mornings and rugby training in the afternoons, while also meeting members of the Munster squad during their time in camp.
The students learn more about rugby’s values of team work, respect and integrity through the medium of English as well as making new friends from all over the world.
Central to the programme is ensuring that rugby skills are taught in a safe and controlled environment.
Click HERE to view the latest images from the English & Rugby Camp at the Cork Institute of Technology.