Individual Home Skills & Conditioning Programme – Week 3
25th January 2021 By The Editor

The Munster Rugby Development Department have designed a weekly individual training programme aimed at players U13 and up (including adults) during the current Level 5 restrictions.
A weekly plan will be shared over the coming weeks to help support players and assist in keeping them active. This plan is most suitable for those involved in the 15-a-side game.
Click here for content to keep the Minis and Primary School aged children active during the current lockdown.
Please visit the Coaching Children Playlist (U7-U12) on our YouTube channel (subscribe here) for previous videos and content from the last 12 months.
The below plan is the Week 3 edition of the Home Skills and Conditioning Programme. For Week 1, please click here. For Week 2, please click here.
Individual Home Skills & Conditioning Programme – Week 3
Click here for the PDF version of this week’s Individual Home Skills & Conditioning Programme
”Please ensure you take all precautions and put your safety first if carrying out any of these exercises at home. Please notify a parent or guardian if completing these physical contact exercises at home”
Session 1: Skills & Conditioning
Skills: Poach Skills
- Power Burpee – 6 Reps
- Grip & Rip – 6 Reps
- Alternating Stance – 2 mins alternating
Conditioning (15 min)
Speed & Agility Work (See bottom of the page)
- Push-Ups – (x10)
- Squats (Single-Leg) – (x10)
- Hamstring Bridge – (x10)
- Bear Crawl
Session 2 & 4: Conditioning
Conditioning (20-25 min) – Do this twice a week
- Warm up with light jog and dynamic exercises; squat, lunge, hamstring bridge etc
- Jog at 70% for 3 minutes
- 50m stride through at 85%
- Jog at 70% for 2 minutes
- 100m sprint at 95-100%
- Repeat 4 times
Session 3: Skills & Conditioning
Skills: Poach Skills
- Pop Up & Poach (6 Reps)
- Run, Press-Up, Poach (6 Reps)
- Alternating Stance – 2 mins
Conditioning (15 min)
Speed & Agility Work (see bottom of page)
- Push-ups – (x10)
- Goblet Squat – (x10)
- Hamstring Bridge – (x10)
- Bear Crawl
The Turtle Neck Technique
Session Primer – Body Positioning
Setup in scrum position with hands on the ground (spine in line – bent knees – eyes over sunglasses).
- Move forwards – backwards – sideways balancing an object on your back (1 rep)
- Sibling/Parent (if available) applies pressure all over body (maintain chest over ball/cone) (10 sec)
- Crawl & balance object (10 sec)
Change stance from scrum position.
- Commando Crawl (10 secs)
- Squat rocking gripping the ball (forward-back-side-to-side) (45 secs)
Speed & Agility Work
Speed & Agility Work | ||
Warm Up Including Dynamic Stretches | 3mins | Sample Video Here |
Walk easy for 5m then 10m acceleration | 10m x 2 | Rest in between sprints |
10m static start and sprint | 10m x 2 | 2 feet together start & then sprint |
10m hard accelerations (starting from the ground) | 10m x 2 | Power and speed (rest in between sprints) |
10m Hill sprint | 10m x 2 | Rest in between sprints |
Lateral shuffle into 20m sprint | 20m x 2 | Don’t let your feet touch in shuffle (Rest in between sprints) |
Jog easy for 5m then 30m sprint | 30m x 2 | Rest between sprints |
Weaving Sprints | 30m x 2 | Weaving like a snake (Rest between sprints and cool down) |