Lep Rugby Coaching Course
21st December 2010 By Munster Rugby

Limerick regeneration community rugby officers Andrew Brace and Ross Callaghan recently held a Lep Rugby Course for students of the Southside Community Leadership Arts and Sports Programme.
The students spent six Wednesday afternoons taking part in the course with the primary focus on the basic skills and principles of rugby.
It is envisaged participating students will play an active role within their communities by assisting community rugby officers deliver lep rugby sessions.
Munster Rugby would like to take this opportunity to thank course leaders Pat Galvin and Aisling Mulhall for their assistance in coordinating the course.
With the weather causing many disruptions recently the sessions were made possible as a result of the generous contribution of Young Munster RFC’s 3g all weather facility in Greenfields.
For any information on renting Young Munster’s facilities please contact Ger Slattery on 087-9606494.