Level 3 Restrictions | IRFU Rugby Guidelines
6th October 2020 By The Editor
From the morning of Wednesday, October 7, clubs under the jurisdiction of the Government of Ireland will be subject to Level 3 restrictions for a period of 3 weeks.
Here is a link to Level 3 Guidelines For Rugby Clubs: http://bit.ly/IRFU-Level3
The document is based on the Plan For Living With COVID-19 as well as information supplied to the IRFU from Sport Ireland and the government’s Return To Sport Expert Group.
Resources outlined to help clubs adhere to Level 3 restrictions are available at https://www.irishrugby.ie/running-your-club/return-to-rugby-for-clubs/
Munster Rugby would again like to thank clubs for all of their hard work in keeping the community safe and for taking all necessary measures to ensure compliancy with public health measures.