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Mini Coaching Webinar On Thursday

16th September 2020 By The Editor

Mini Coaching Webinar On Thursday

The Munster Rugby Development Department will host a Mini Coaching Webinar this Thursday (September 17) at 7.30pm.

As the season kicks-off and with many clubs now back on the pitch, our Development Department have scheduled a number of coach development events to enhance and support the coaches during this time.

Thursday’s coach development webinar is the first event and will promote the new mini rugby coaching programme.

The main areas we have captured in this programme include:

  1. Session Planning
  2. Skills Checklists
  3. Coaching the Cornerstone Skills
  4. Game Sense approach to coaching
  5. Effective Coaching

Together with some sample session plans and video resources, this programme will offer relevance and context to the coach’s approach to coaching children as they start back on the pitch.

We will cover as many topics and answer as many queries as possible on the night and attending coaches will receive a copy of the PDF soon after the event.

Mini coaches interested in attending this webinar must complete the appropriate registration form here. They will receive an access link soon after registering.


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