Mini & Foundation Coaching Course Held in CSN, Cork
23rd February 2010 By Munster Rugby

On 20th and 21st February last the Munster Rugby Domestic Game Department held a Mini and Foundation Level Coaching Course at Coláiste Stiofán Naofa (CSN), Tramore Road, Cork.
Over sixty coaches were in attendance throughout the week-end with course modules presented by Munster Rugby’s Coach Development Officers John Lacey and Noel O’Meara and Community Rugby Officers John O’Neill, Ray Gadsden, Ed Daly, Finny O’Regan, Ross Callaghan and Frank O’Mahony.
Course tutors were delighted with the enthusiasm and participation of all that attended and look forward to the upcoming Mini and Foundation courses which will be held on 4th and 5th September at the University of Limerick.
Should you wish to take part in any Munster Rugby Coaching Courses or require any further information please contact tel: 021-4323563