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Munster Rugby Visit Redhill School

18th June 2013 By Munster Rugby

Munster Rugby Visit Redhill School

Munster Rugby recently attended the celebrations at Redhill Autistic School in Limerick as they launched their Special Olympics Club.

The day kicked off with the rising of the ‘green flag’ which was presented by Minister of Education Ruairí Quinn, Minister of State Jan O’Sullivan and Lord Mayor of Limerick Gerry McLoughlin.

As part of the fun day, the students' families were invited to attend the celebrations and all were introduced to the Special Olympics Logo 'Let me win but if I cannot win let me be brave in the attempt.'

Andrew Brace, Munster Community Rugby Officer, along with two representatives from Special Olympics Ireland spoke to the students and their parents about the importance of sport and the positive values it can bring to people’s lives.

In 2011, the Special Olympics Club was formed and the Redhill students have been training relentlessly since then. They have made a major effort in participating as a team which plays a huge part in their social development. The students have been training in the University of Limerick with the aim of competing at the regional games in September 2013.


Minister of State Jan O'Sullivan makes a presentation to the students and their parents.


Munster Rugby's Andy Brace pictued at Redhill School.


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