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Play Rugby Gets Started At Ballylongford NS

8th October 2015 By Munster Rugby

Play Rugby Gets Started At Ballylongford NS

IRFU ‘Play Rugby’ is underway at Ballylongford National School in North Kerry with over 70 players from 2nd to 6th class taking part.

The boys and girls are in week two of the four week ‘Play Rugby’ programme aimed at introducing children to tag rugby through fun games.

As part of the programme, teachers at Ballylongford NS are being upskilled on basic rugby coaching techniques and provided with ‘player packs’ in order to start rugby in the school.

For more information on Play Rugby click here

Since the introduction of the 'Play Rugby' initiative boys and girls throughout the country have learned rugby techniques that include running and evasion, passing and tagging and it is hoped they will continue to play rugby at their local rugby clubs.

Should you wish to take introduce the IRFU 'Play Rugby' initiative at your school please email info@munsterrugby.ie for more details.


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