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Rugby Chorca Dhuibhne Feature in World Cup Promotion

19th August 2015 By Munster Rugby

Rugby Chorca Dhuibhne Feature in World Cup Promotion

Rugbaã Chorca Dhuibhne has been selected to feature in Land Rover’s #WeDealInReal global advertising and sponsorship campaign for the Tournament.

The Kerry Club was one of eleven hero clubs chosen for the integrated campaign each has their own unique story to tell which will be brought to life through broadcast channels, a series of digital films hosted on Land Rover’s global website and will be championed through the company’s global network of social channels.

To celebrate the campaign, Land Rover has today released a 60-second video that delves into the values that set rugby apart and celebrates the clubs and people who are at the heart of the game.

Melanie McCourt, Marketing Manager, Jaguar Land Rover Ireland said:
“Rugbaí Chorca Dhuibhne has been chosen as one of 11 clubs around the world due to the club’s remote location at the very end of the Dingle peninsula. The most westerly Rugby club in Europe, Rugbaí Chorca Dhuibhne is a tiny club that draws from a wide catchment of isolated rural communities and the club always fields a team, often with fifty year olds playing alongside eighteen year olds.”

The 60 second #WeDealInReal campaign video can be viewed here:

Shane O’Rourke, Director of Rugby, Chorca Dhuibhne said: “We are a tiny club where everyone comes together to make everything happen – we wouldn’t survive without the individuals throughout the club. So for Land Rover to reward Chorca Dhuibhne for our dedication to the Game by putting the club on the global stage is a huge testament to the support the brand has for Rugby’s grassroots.”

Seo do sheans! Tapaigh an deis, agus bí páirteach sa Chlub Rugbaí a roghnaíodh le bheith ar an stáite domhanda ag seasamh an fhóid ar son na hÉireann ag Comórtas Rugbaí Chorn an Domhain 2015! Níl ionainn ach Club beag, ach tá ár gcroí mór. Ná déan dearmad gur thosnaigh gach aon imreoir a bheidh ag imirt i gCorn an Domhain i gClub beag in áit éiginn. Tabhair an deis céanna do do chuid’se leanaí a bheith páirteach sa spórt iontach seo! Cláraigh le Rugbaí Chorca Dhuibhne an séasúr seo, cá bhfios cá mbeidh siad ag imirt amach anseo!

Breis eolais / For further information contact Shane O’Rourke 085 6061206 – shaneorourke10@gmail.com


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