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St. Senan’s Club News

17th July 2013 By Munster Rugby

St. Senan’s Club News

This week’s club news comes from St. Sennan’s RFC.

Courtesy of Robbie Hogan, PRO St. Senan's RFC

St Senans Rugby Club would like to announce the appointment of Thomas Cronin as the new player coach. Thomas is a native of Limerick city and is quite familiar with the junior rugby scene.

Thomas started playing Rugby underage with Thomond Rugby club and then progressed to their senior team. During his time with Thomond, Thomas won U/18 Cup, U/20 Cup, Munster Junior League and helped Thomond to gain promotion to the AIL division 3.

He then moved to the Young Munster club in Limerick where he played for 10 years. Thomas during his time in Greenfields helped Young Munster gain promotion to Division 1 of the AIL.

Coaching Positions

All-Ireland Colleges – Limerick Institute of Technology – Player Coach
Munster Junior Cup Finalist – Young Munster RFC – Player Coach
Munster Junior Division 3 – Scariff RFC – Player Coach

Club Rugby

St Senan’s RFC would like to let people know about their latest drive to fund the club. But first lets give you a brief history of our main fundraiser over the last number of years. Sometime ago we decided the club needed new grounds along with our own club house so a decision was made to start up a club lotto. The lotto was very successful and enabled us to buy two fields and build four dressing rooms along with an office, referees room and kitchen.

This was only possible because of the generosity of the people of Sixmilebridge, Newmarket on Fergus, Cratloe, Bunratty and Shannon. St Senans always considered itself a club based around these five towns and villages and we have had in the past and still do to date have players from these places playing with the club week in and week out from underage to Junior 1 teams.

Our night for selling lotto has always been a Friday night in these villages and Shannon town but as everyone knows the numbers of people socializing has dwindled due to the economic downturn. We have had discussions in committee level since the AGM back a few months ago and serious calls had to be made regarding the current funding to run the club and funding for the future development of the club.

The revenue from the lotto is not sufficient to cover these costs and if we want to keep rugby played in Shannon a new idea was needed. So what we have come up with is a 300 club. This money will cover existing costs and provide enough funding for future developments for St Senans RFC. The 300 club will be our primary source of income and will in time replace the lotto program we are running today.

St. Senan’s RFC would like to take this opportunity to thank those that have been contributing monthly via direct debit – your support is greatly appreciated. The details of the 300 club are;

That’s 18 draws for €;500 and 8 for €; 1000 for a total of 26 draws per year.

The cost is €;15 a month which includes your membership of St Senans RFC. For a family of two adults and two children the cost would be €;20 a month which would include your family membership of St Senans RFC, one entry into each draw and a set of shorts and sock’s for two children under 18.

If you are interested in joining the 300 club or have any questions regarding anything stated above please contact the numbers or e-mail addresses below.

President: Jody O’Donaghue 087 6775742 jody_odonoghue@mentor.com
Hon. Secretary: Padraig Rowe 086 1629610 secretary.stsenansrugby@gmail.com or padraig.rowe@sal.ie
Treasurer: Catriona O Riordan catrionaoriordan@hotmail.com
Fixtures Sec: Tom McLoughlin 086 3845899 tomlocky@gmail.com
PRO: Robbie Hoban 0868289070 pro.stsenansrugby@gmail.com or robbiehoban@gmail.com
Youth Development Officer: Tony O Brien 086 8038111 tony@shannontimber.ie


St. Senan's 1st team Season 2012/13


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