Successful Fundamental Movement Workshops
20th April 2015 By Munster Rugby

The Munster Rugby Development Department recently completed a very successful series of coaching workshops on fundamental movement skills.
The sessions took place around the province and the theme centred on developing effective movement skills for 8 to 14 year olds.
The last workshop on developing effective movement skills took place in Bandon last week. Coaches from West Cork clubs participated with Munster Rugby Age Grade S&C Manager Fergal O’Callaghan presenting both indoor and outdoor modules.
Previous workshops had been held here in Irish Independent Park, Waterford IT, Tralee IT and Limerick IT. Almost 200 coaches attended overall and the programme has proven very successful in promoting this important topic.
Further workshops on developing player movement patterns will take place before the end of the year.
Munster Rugby would like to thank all who participated and to Bandon RFC and the respective venues for hosting each workshop.