Tag Rugby Day At Scoil Barra Monkstown
6th June 2013 By Munster Rugby

Munster Rugby recently held a Tag Rugby Blitz day for boys and girls attending Scoil Barra Primary School in Monkstown.
Pupils from 2nd to 6th class took part in the one day event of competitive tag rugby following an indoor training session where they they were tutored on basic rugby skills by Munster Rugby Coaching Officers.
A total of 120 boys and girls took part on the day and will continue with their rugby development by competing in Munster Tag Rugby Blitz competitions in the coming season.
Should you require any information on Tag Rugby in your school or wish to take part in upcoming Blitz days please email info@munsterrugby.ie
Boys and girls from Scoil Barra, Monkstown, learning basic rugby skills.