TY Rugby Programme In CBC
30th January 2015 By Munster Rugby

The Munster Rugby Development Department recently completed a Transition Year Rugby programme in CBC, Cork.
33 students participated in the course that was run by Munster Community Rugby Officer Finny O’Regan.
Over a number of weeks, the students were shown teaching skills and were taught about the fitness of a young player and how to organise and manage a training session.
They then progressed to long term player development, the role of the coach, rules and regulations of mini rugby and both individual and mini rugby unit skills.
The students completed the course by organising and running a mini rugby blitz for the students of CBC Preparatory school with pupils from first to sixth class taking part on the school pitch in Lansdowne.
Munster Rugby would like to thank CBC and Mr. Steven Lynch for the use of their facilities.
Should your club or school wish to take part in a Munster Rugby coaching workshop please email info@munsterrugby.ie.